Of KHULNA: Opposition BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday said categorically the Government destroy plant Sundarbans at Rampal are allowed to open in the district.
"We don't, Rampal Government set to destroy Sundarbans," she said.
The BNP Chief a grand was honed with the warning, taking into account rally of the 18-Party Alliance Khulna circuit House in the afternoon.
Khaleda, also Executive who said opposition, said: "the Government quickly fast money and money laundering has made the name rapid rental power plant."
Indication of the Government, she said, "Set up by power plant, where otherwise not Rampal, lives, as it would destroy trees and beauty of the Sundarbans."
With regard to the Transitional Government, she told her audience that the then opposition Awami League called for the system. "Now they the provision for crack voting rights people have canceled," she said.
She added: "no choice under Awami League Government rather occur we will prevent that elections under the present Government."
Where different activities of the Government, she claimed that nobody in Government under the leadership of the Awami League would be secured.
"The hands of the Government are colored with blood and murder there every day," she added, claiming that the BNP Government had kidnapped Ilias Ali, leader and former legislator.
She promised to build two bridges over Padma River, even before the people of Khulna, if their party power in the next.
With regard to the anti-Government movement she said the rally, October 25 the last day of the Government would. "The Government should end with honour at this time", she said adding "We strong movement program October 25 September will announce."
AKA / MMA / RK eic@banglanews24.com
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